I’m Olivia!

I love using cute charts + creative printables in our home!

With a little bit of guidance + using my printables in your daily life, your family can work together as a team to create more organization, fun, and peace in your daily life!

Access to over 100 creative printable charts, homeschool printables, and coloring pages!

If you love using visuals + creative ideas to manage your home, this is the membership for you!

What is the membership?

Become a team!

A family is like a team—we rely on each other, grow alongside each other, and celebrate our time together! Whether both parents work away from home, you’re managing your home on your own, or you’re all home every day, my charts can help bring your home to a place where everyone is pitching in and life at home just feels good.

You get to focus on what really matters—creating connections with each other and enjoying this journey! Inside the membership: an after-dinner family cleanup chart, a family chore chart, routine charts and more!

Teach children independence

Teaching our children how to take care of simple tasks around the home can help them feel a powerful sense of belonging and that their helpful role is essential for the family to function!

Independence is an essential part of a child’s journey to adulthood and part of our job is to guide them through this in a way that helps build confidence.

If you are in the toddler days working on all the things like potty training, brushing teeth daily, independently getting dressed, and starting to teach basic chores—my charts can help!

If you are raising school-aged children and working on teaching them routines that will help make morning times flow better, after-school routines that cultivate family time or want to start teaching them things like how to take care of a pet or eat a variety of colorful foods every day—my charts can help!

If you are homeschooling and want to create routines that help your kids stay on a path of growth and promote independent learning—these charts can help!

Whatever phase of motherhood you are in—these charts can help you set up healthy routines, lead your family with visuals, and bring creative ideas into your home—like family bucket lists, date night ideas, and dinner convo starters!

Children need space to be able to think creatively. In today’s world of busyness and the pressure of technology bearing down on all of us, we are the ones who need to help create that space for them—childhood is a sacred time for children to learn who they are, what their interests are, and have time to practice their unique skills in the comfort of their safe place… your home. My charts can help set up structure and times throughout the day that your children can rely on for independent play so they can start this creative process now.

Foster creativity

My story

When I became a stay-at-home stepmom to a 5-year-old girl at 21 years old, my husband was in the beginning of his career working 6-day work weeks. It was on me to figure out how to set up our home in a way that would work for our new journey of parenting together. We wanted to find a way to make time for our marriage while nurturing our relationship with his child and finding the delicate balance of work and home life.

It is truly a balancing act. Just when we got it figured out—we had a new baby. This was the moment I realized that parenting comes in waves and each wave is for learning and growing together as a family!

As our children grew, I started writing down our new family plans and routines—from cleaning to mealtimes to afternoon routines to fun bucket lists—and I would teach my family why I made them and show them how to use each chart!

4 more kids later and our family has transformed into a working team—everyone helping out in our home with things like cleaning, helping siblings, and taking care of the things they are in charge of and capable of doing on their own!

I went from feeling behind in planning out dinners, packing lunches, and figuring out our next meals to seeing my husband write down our weekly dinner menu, lunches getting packed on their own, and meal ideas posted on the fridge that gives us ideas to pick out food that will actually serve our body.

I went from feeling like I couldn’t keep up with cleaning our home just enough to be comfortable to see my children help out in the ways they are capable of to us actually enjoying our family cleanup times after dinner!

I went from feeling like running late out the door is just our new normal because I was taking on so many tasks for each of our kids (that they were capable of doing on their own) to feeling so grateful and proud as they tell me all the things they get done on their own because they know what to do!

I get to see my older children help their younger siblings out with things because I have a chart hanging up in our home reminding them of the different ways they can help others!

I get to enjoy time with my husband every evening because we have made space for that by making sure all of our work gets done so we can rest easy in the evenings while we look back on our day together.

Our children have space in their life to discover who they are because charts have helped us create that space.

Our children have the kind of independence that allows me to feel confident that they will accomplish their tasks on their own because of charts.

I have been able to take on more than I ever thought I would be capable of as a stay-at-home mom (homeschooling and starting a business) because we all work together as a team to keep up with all the things!

Our marriage has been growing stronger because we encourage each other to meet cleaning expectations and plan out meals in a way that we both know what needs to be done—giving us more space for us to talk about other things!

It is our job to teach our children how to live life. There are basic needs that have to get done every day to maintain their health and I believe it can simple and manageable!

Charts will help remind and encourage them to do these things on their own. We can ask them to do these things each day, or we can teach them how to do these things on their own and hang up charts to help guide them through the process. Teachers use charts in their classrooms. Our home is like a classroom—we are the teachers. We are the leaders. We all want to set up a foundation for our children to succeed and these charts can help!

Over $500 worth of charts in this membership program that you can bring into your home and start using with your family for $99!

Once you join, you will see a welcome page with instructions on how to use the charts and you can print them immediately at home or any local print shop!

Click the button below to join my membership program and start looking through all the different charts!

These charts have turned into a way of life for my family. We rotate charts in and out to help with structure, creating new habits, and bringing fun new ideas into our home to bring us closer together!

Whatever family goals we are working on, charts help teach my family and guide my children through changes and new routines!

Charts are simple.

I believe parenting can be simple.

These charts are for YOU

If you want to become a more intentional parent!

If you want to have visuals that will help set up routines in your home!

If you want to teach your family how to help take care of the place you all get to call home!

If you want to have something to help your children along their journey of becoming independent!

If you want to create a sense of teamwork around your home!

If you want to give your children the gift of teaching them how to take care of their own needs!

Customer Reviews!

Over 7,000 people have used my charts so far and have said things like….

“This chart has made my life so much easier!”

“This is exactly what I needed to help my son manage his time!”

“This chart saved the day!”

“Super helpful in our home!”

“Exactly what I needed to get organized this school year!”

“…just what I was looking for to help streamline our homeschool day.”

“…VERY helpful in helping our family maintain our house during a very busy school year.”

Bringing charts into your home is something you can start as early as today! I’ve enjoyed watching my family step up and help take care of our home. I still find it amazing when I watch my toddler do simple things like bring her own laundry to the laundry room. When my 7-year-old starts his homeschool lessons after his morning routine, I feel so proud of how far we have come since we started our homeschool journey.

I know that charts aren’t the answer to everything in parenting, but they are something you can bring into your home and start as early as today!

If you have any questions, or chart suggestions, or want to just reach out and say hello—contact me anytime at connect@oliviameyer.com!

When you join my membership program, I walk you through exactly how to edit and download the charts! You get access to all of my blank and editable charts AND all of my new charts—I am always coming up with new chart ideas! I can’t wait to hear what charts you are planning on using first!

Just a few of the charts you will get!

This “Daily Schedule” helps parents, caregivers, and children know what to expect for the day and have a flow to the day!

This “Schoolday Checklist” helps kids who can read know exactly what needs to be done so they can accomplish their tasks on their own!

This “Visual Routine” Chart helps toddlers and young children have a visual routine to refer to so they can feel confident accomplishing parts of their routine on their own!

This “Eat the Rainbow” checklist gets my kids excited to try different colored foods—something that isn’t a permanent solution but it can make trying new foods fun!

This simple “Homeschool Schedule” helped us get set up for our first year of homeschooling! So simple—so effective!

This “Emergency Information” Chart is helpful to hang up on your fridge so all your information is in one place!

I wanted to find a way to share my charts with other families because they make my life so much easier and motherhood very manageable!

I am always coming up with new chart ideas!

It’s as easy as logging in and deciding which charts you want to try in your home next!

When you notice you need help with another aspect of parenthood—start with my charts! They are organized by the seasons of motherhood (Pregnancy, New Moms, Toddlers, Kids, Preteens, and Parents) so it’s easy to look through the charts that will work for your family!

You also get unlimited access so in a couple of years when you and your kids are in the next season, you will have new charts to look through!

Charts Editable in Corjl

Don’t know how to do that? I show you how to do it!

Charts Editable in Adobe

Don’t know how to do that? I have a video library where I show you how!

Blank Charts Ready to Print

Charts you can print and use immediately!

No matter what season of life you are in, these charts can bring help and inspiration.

One thing I’ve learned about parenting is when my kids know what to expect or what is expected of them, life gets so much easier. Our kids have learned that a new chart means time for a change or time for something new—and it can be exciting!

My charts are unique in that they are visually simple so there is no overwhelm, and cute enough to hang up in your home! All of the clipart is created by me and I even created my own handmade font which is embedded into each file so when you open it on Adobe, the font is already there!

These charts are perfect for anyone who spends time around kids and wants a physical tool you can start using as early as today. Parents, stepparents, teachers, babysitters, grandparents, etc.

If you want help setting your kids up with clear expectations on things like cleaning routines, screen time boundaries, and setting aside time for important things like independent play, these charts can help!

If you are ready to get creative with my charts, click “Join Now” to set up your account and start browsing all of my charts!

I hope I am able to be a part of your journey and if you ever have any questions on how to use the charts, please send me a message! I love helping and want you to enjoy this journey of parenthood alongside me! I am excited to hear what charts you are planning on using first!

Become A Member
One time

Get unlimited access to all of my printable charts to help manage your home. Click join now to become a member and unlock my full library!

If you’re thinking…

I don’t know how to use Adobe or Corjl... I want to make this as easy as possible for you. I have editing instructions that walk you through it as well as a video library that shows you how to do it! I will also personally send you a video if you need extra help!

I don’t have a printer… Email them to your local print shop and pick them up on your next errand run! (I did this for the first year of starting my business because we didn’t have a printer… we became regulars at FedEx!)

I have tried charts before and they worked for a while and then… didn’t? I have a chart for that–Just kidding, but I do have a blog post and Instagram highlights to help. I check my DMs regularly and love to offer solutions! I use charts temporarily to optimize routines, set up new expectations, or bring new ideas into our home!

I know that charts aren’t the answer to every problem, but it is how I manage 5 children in our home while being a wife, homeschooling, running my businesses, and my hubby working full time!

You can also use these charts as gifts for parents and children! I have cute reward charts with princesses, unicorns, or dinosaurs for toddlers that you can put a child’s picture on!

Become A Member
One time

Get unlimited access to all of my printable charts to help manage your home. Click join now to become a member and unlock my full library!

If you have any questions: send me an email to connect@oliviameyer.com or send me a DM at @oliviammeyer on instagram.

I love helping others and truly hope these charts bring joy and peace along with all the benefits of having structure in your home!